Dial 911 for Emergency


Dover Police Department

Citizen Complaint Process

Citizens who are unhappy or not satisfied with the Dover Police Department and/or individual Officers or employees are encouraged to voice their concerns or dissatisfaction immediately to the on-duty supervisor, or a command level staff officer when available. 

On duty supervisors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Any citizen may telephone, stop in, or request from any officer to speak to a supervisor.

Main Phone: (302)-736-7111

Command level staff officers are available during normal business hours, Monday through Friday.

Patrol Unit Commander:(302)-736-7117

Criminal Investigation Unit Commander: (302)-736-7132

In addition to the availability of the on-duty supervisor or a Command level staff officer, the complaint may be reported to:

Office of Internal Affairs, during normal business hours:   (302)-736-7124

Please Note:
A person who knowingly reports false information to the police is subject to arrest and prosecution.

What to expect:

1)    You may remain anonymous if you so desire.  However, you will be asked to complete a Citizens Complaint Form and you will be given a copy of that initial form.  On the form, you will describe your complaint and indicate if you wish to be contacted and proceed with your complaint.  On some occasions, the supervisor or Staff officer will be able to resolve your complaint immediately.  To download the complaint form, right click the “Complaint Form” link below and click “Save Link as…” This should allow you to save the form to your computer: Complaint Form

Once this form is complete, it can be printed and brought into the Dover Police Department or submitted to the Internal Affairs office via email: Kevin.Streadwick@cj.state.de.us

2) The initial complaint form will be forwarded to the Deputy Chief of Police who will review it and brief the Chief of Police.  If it had not been immediately resolved, he will then assign it to a Command or supervisory officer to take action, or he may assign it to the Office of Internal Affairs to conduct a formal investigation.

3)  If a formal investigation is warranted, you will be formally interviewed and that interview will be recorded.  The officer or civilian employee will also be formally interviewed along with all pertinent witnesses.

4)  Upon conclusion of the investigation (within 90 days) you will be given notice of the results.

5)  If the results of the investigation sustain any acts of misconduct against an officer then the officer shall be given the appropriate discipline, or may elect to proceed to a Professional Standards Board, selected by the Criminal Justice council.

6)  If a Professional Standards Board is requested, then a hearing will be held, similar to a trial and the complainant will be required to testify.  A panel of three Board Members will sit as the judging body.

7)  If a Criminal Complaint is alleged against an officer then the Dover Police Department will consult with the Department of Justice concerning a criminal investigation and prosecution.  This may be conducted in addition to the administrative internal investigation.